Publication type: Research
Gender-Responsive Electric Cooking in Nepal
This report presents the main findings of an empirical study that is part of a project entailing both evidence building and stakeholder networking and engagement. The project is a collaboration in the area of gender and modern energy cooking services between ENERGIA and the Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) programme and is managed by Loughborough […]
Gender, modern biomass-energy technology and poverty: Case study in Sri Lanka
This paper presents three case studies conducted in Sri Lanka, two focused on interventions on modern biomass energy, or ‘dendro-energy’, development and its impacts. The third case study is on the biomass energy system in a village situation where no such modern biomass energy intervention has taken place. Of the two dendro-energy case studies; one […]
Gender relations and the energy transition in rural Asia
This study, drawn from research conducted in China and other parts of rural Asia, links women’s and men’s labour force participation and status to the adoption of new fuels and appliances in a number of countries. Low opportunity cost of women’s labour limits the adoption of improved stoves and women’s entry into income-earning activities would […]
Gender and renewable energy in the Philippines: A community-based microhydro project in Kalinga and a pv-battery charging station in Southern Leyte
Community-based renewable energy (RE) projects have been shown to provide greater accessibility to community members in remote areas. Through two case studies, this report aims to document the role of women in community projects and the impacts of RE projects on women in the areas of production, reproduction and community participation. The two projects covered […]
Institutional and gender dimensions of energy service provision for empowering the rural poor in Uganda
This case study examines how renewable energy service interventions at two sites in Uganda have contributed to the process of empowering women as well as addressing the different needs of women and men. The projects at the two sites sought to involve solar companies as private sector providers of energy services and aimed at addressing […]
Women’s Energy Entrepreneurship: A Guiding Framework and Systematic Literature Review
To investigate the existing evidence and to identify gaps in understandings around gender and entrepreneurship in the energy sector, we undertook a systematic literature review (SLR) of policy papers, grey literature and academic peer-reviewed papers. With the resulting sample of publications and reports, we examined the quality of evidence clarifying how women’s energy entrepreneurship may […]
Unlocking the Benefits of Productive Uses of Energy for Women in Ghana, Tanzania and Myanmar
This research report provides empirical evidence from three case studies in Tanzania, Ghana and Myanmar to address the existing literature gap on gender and PUE. The focus is on electricity, because our target regions benefited from interventions to provide access to electricity, and in some cases to promote productive uses and gender mainstreaming. However, our […]
Female microenterprise creation and business models for private sector distribution of low-cost off-grid LED lighting: Multiple Randomized Experiments
This research, which forms part of a greater research project, merges the above themes of energy, gender, and poverty. It studies how such inequalities can be overcome by bringing women to the forefront in the establishment of village level enterprises that distribute and recharge LED lights to rural poor households that are not on Rwanda’s […]
Gender and fossil fuel subsidy reform: Findings from and recommendations for Bangladesh, India and Nigeria
The report looks at the impact of subsidies and reform to kerosene and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) from a gender perspective across three countries (Bangladesh, India and Nigeria). The research was based around two overall research questions namely ‘How do existing kerosene and LPG subsidy policies affect the welfare, productivity and empowerment of women and […]
The gender factor in political economy of energy sector dynamics
This study seeks to bring gender issues into the political economy analysis of the dynamics in access and use of modern energy services, chiefly clean cooking energy, (such as LPG or biogas), and modern energy in agriculture (such as electricity, diesel and solar power). In looking at modern energy services we distinguish between three levels […]
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