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Energia Advocacy website

Phase 6 was marked by the consolidation of many activities started in the previous phase. ENERGIA structured its advocacy efforts to strengthen the network’s voice and thought leadership. We participated more actively in various key international events, such as the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), Sustainable Energy for All Forum (SEforALL), United Nations High-Level Dialogues and the Conference of the Parties (COP), to inform and influence policy and practice. With the research program in its final stage, ENERGIA was able to use the evidence gathered to advocate for a more inclusive, equal and sustainable energy sector at the national and international level.

The second phase of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Program, in collaboration with five partners across six countries, offered the opportunity to promote women’s crucial role in the advancement of energy access in rural areas. ENERGIA created a platform where women could share their stories and encouraged women’s participation in national and international events. The purpose was to include women in energy discussions and leave no one behind, as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development affirms. A crucial point within our narrative was to stress the idea that women need to be included in the energy decision-making process, it is not enough to be consulted on what they need and what their priorities are. Therefore, it was acknowledged that the technologies, fuels, market mechanisms and financing that we design and promote should respond to these requests.

After Phase 5 focused on the SEforALL initiative and partnerships, ENERGIA reoriented its efforts towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those on gender equality (SDG5) and energy access (SDG7). ENERGIA advocated for greater gender equality and women’s empowerment in national and global energy policies, by engaging in the SDG7 review process and in multi-stakeholder roundtables and by mainstreaming gender in national and global energy institutions, utilities and organisations. Just a few years away from the 2030 goals, ENERGIA focused on the clean and sustainable energy transition, including clean cooking. ENERGIA partnered with different institutions and organisations to make sure that clean cooking received political attention.

One key achievement has been the launch of Gender and Energy Compact. ENERGIA, together with Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and supported by the Governments of Iceland, Ecuador, Nepal, Kenya and Sweden, coordinated the actions to catalyze action towards gender equality and women’s empowerment to accelerate a just, inclusive and sustainable energy transition. Developed in the realm of the UN High Level Dialogue on Energy, this compact is one of its kind in putting women and gender equality at the center of achieving SDG7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

Engagement with international governments, gender audits during Phase 4 and the SEforALL agenda contributed to the achievement of key goals, such as the launch of Kenya’s National Gender Policy and the creation of the High-Level Coalition on Health and Energy.