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Energia Advocacy website

  • Defining the role of gender in the energy sector

    ENERGIA clearly defined and explained the principles behind its mission to recognize the important role of women and to engender energy for sustainable development.

  • Leveraging partnerships to double our advocacy impact

    Advocacy is proven to be more effective when like-minded groups and people work together. This is why a strong focus for ENERGIA has been to build strong collaborations and double the impact of this advocacy work.

  • Using a gender lens to influence international agendas

    ENERGIA advocacy activities aimed to identify key activities that could spur gender-oriented actions to influence negotiations, energy policies and programs. The process lead to the Ninth Session of the Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD-9) and the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), including the preparatory meetings and the organisation of side events, represented the first steps in the right direction.

  • Fostering women’s presence in the international energy conversation

    While training experts and institutions to increase the impact of advocacy activities, ENERGIA participated in a number of events, including the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-9) and the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD). This enhanced our representation at the international level and offered opportunities to be more effective in influencing policies and programs.

  • Encouraging advocacy: Supporting stakeholders at the international level

    One of ENERGIA’s key activities was to strengthen the advocacy skills of participants at international conferences so that they could successfully influence decisions in negotiations. ENERGIA provided training and advisory services to enable organisations and individuals who were keen to participate in international events to deepen their advocacy skills and increase the effectiveness of their messages.

  • Leaning on ENERGIA News to drive change

    In the second Phase, ENERGIA published six issues of ENERGIA News, three of which focused on specific events, with the aim of stimulating a change in thinking to include gender equality in decision making and high-level negotiations when setting international goals. The newsletter played a key role in building awareness, deepening understanding and facilitating knowledge […]

  • Broadening our reach with additional communications assets

    At this time, case studies and other studies on the benefits of applying a gender lens to programs and projects were unusual. During this phase, ENERGIA discussed the importance of developing gender and energy studies, tools and methodologies for addressing gender in energy projects and programs. First steps were taken with the publication of ENERGIA News, which featured specific themes, providing case studies and additional resources.

  • Establishing our resource center to easily share information and evidence

    ENERGIA contributed to the identification of gender issues that limit women’s participation in the energy sector. It also helped expand the knowledge of gender roles assigned to men and women in the energy sector through case studies, research and papers. ENERGIA acknowledged the need to build a stronger evidence base to promote gender equality and translate this evidence into messages for policy and practice.