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Broadening our reach with additional communications assets

At this time, case studies and other studies on the benefits of applying a gender lens to programs and projects were unusual. During this phase, ENERGIA discussed the importance of developing gender and energy studies, tools and methodologies for addressing gender in energy projects and programs. First steps were taken with the publication of ENERGIA News, which featured specific themes, providing case studies and additional resources.

ENERGIA News was the principal vehicle of information. An example is the special themed issue supported by and focused on a publication by the UNDP—Sustainable Energy program, Generating Opportunities: Case Studies on Energy and Women; and an issue supported by and based on the outcomes of World Bank’s Asia Alternative Energy Program (ASTAE) Energy, Poverty and Gender Initiative (EnPoGen).

However, to reach a broader audience, ENERGIA developed different communications assets, including summaries, papers, brochures and flyers in parallel to ENERGIA News. These assets were meant to engage with a large variety of stakeholders, such as the media, energy experts and donors, of which communicative needs differ and activities can influence decision-making processes.