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Energia Advocacy website

Defining the role of gender in the energy sector

ENERGIA clearly defined and explained the principles behind its mission to recognize the important role of women and to engender energy for sustainable development.

“The gender approach implies not just analysis of the differential impacts of proposed projects on women and on men, but a full recognition of men’s and women’s different needs for energy, based on consultations which consciously seek advice from both men and women; also recognition of the potential of men and of women to participate in energy supply; and of the need to tackle institutional barriers which limit women’s participation in energy planning and production, and in their access to energy for a variety of end uses” – ENERGIA News VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1, MARCH 2001

Ninth Session of the Commission for Sustainable Development

The Ninth Session of the Commission for Sustainable Development set the stage for an important discussion around gender and energy. ENERGIA actively contributed to shape the discussion and narrative. An important milestone had been the integration of gender aspects in the CSD-9 Report, which recognized the urgent need to ensure equal access for women to sustainable energy technologies, services and opportunities through needs assessments, energy planning and policy formulation at the local and national levels. It also outlined the negative impacts on human health of indoor and outdoor air pollution, especially on women and girls (Full report: here).