Focus area: Women entrepreneurship/Women’s economic empowerment
Special Feature SEAR: Energy Access and Gender – Getting the right Balance
Where Energy is Women’s Business: National and Regional Reports from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific
By presenting the national papers and regional reports included in this volume, ENERGIA is providing specific country-level analyses and policy recommendations on energy and gender. In many developing countries, especially in the poorest areas, most energy currently comes from traditional biomass fuels such as wood, charcoal and agricultural wastes – and collecting and managing these […]
Gender-Responsive Electric Cooking in Nepal
This report presents the main findings of an empirical study that is part of a project entailing both evidence building and stakeholder networking and engagement. The project is a collaboration in the area of gender and modern energy cooking services between ENERGIA and the Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) programme and is managed by Loughborough […]
Situation Analysis of Energy and Gender Issues in ECOWAS Member States
This report, a fairly comprehensive analysis of the current situation of energy and gender issues in ECOWAS Member States, aims to inform the development of the ECOWAS policy for Gender Mainstreaming in Energy, which will support national governments in focusing and harmonizing their current efforts at gender mainstreaming, learning from one another, and collectively mobilizing […]
Cooking with gas: Why women in developing countries want LPG and how they can get it
Empowering women and improving their status are essential to realizing the full potential of economic, political and social development. At the center of the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 is Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Goal 5 includes measures relevant to the energy sector, including to end all discrimination […]
Boiling Point: Women, Energy and Economic Empowerment
In the last few years, gender issues have increasingly been recognised as critical to energy access initiatives. Underscoring the importance of access to energy, or the lack thereof, and its impacts on women and girls, the first two years of the Decade of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) are dedicated to a global campaign on […]
Gender and Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform: An audit of data on energy subsidies, energy use and gender in Indonesia
The Government of Indonesia is considering reform of its consumer subsidies for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) due to its rising fiscal cost: IDR 25 trillion (USD 1.9 billion) in 2016: around half of its total energy subsidy expenditure. Subsidized 3-kg LPG cylinders are currently available to all citizens. Reforms are likely to target the subsidy […]
Energizing Equality: The importance of integrating gender equality principles in national energy policies and frameworks
To understand the extent to which gender is being mainstreamed in energy policies at national levels, the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Global Gender Office (GGO), in collaboration with ENERGIA, the International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy, conducted an assessment of 192 energy policies, plans or strategies—herein commonly referred to as “frameworks”—from […]
The Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Tracking Progress in Asia and the Pacific: A Summary Report
The Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Tracking Progress in Asia and the Pacific: A Summary Report was produced by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in close collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative, the International Network […]
Recommendations for climate negotiators on Gender, Energy Technology and Climate Change
This factsheet, jointly produced by the Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) and ENERGIA – the International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy, highlights some of the key gender and energy technology issues related to climate change. The emphasis is on the needs of women in developing countries – many of whom are already dealing […]
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