Publication type: Technical brief
Gender perspectives on Energy for CSD-9: Draft position paper including recommendations proposed by the ENERGIA Support Group and the CSD NGO Women’s Caucus
The sectoral focuses of CSD9 are energy and transport, both key elements in the drive towards sustainable development. Sustainable energy policy should concern sustainable access to sustainable energy. In considering sustainable energy options, the access to these by different groups in the population is sometimes overlooked. This paper sets out the reasons, both from a […]
Recommendations for climate negotiators on Gender, Energy Technology and Climate Change
This factsheet, jointly produced by the Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) and ENERGIA – the International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy, highlights some of the key gender and energy technology issues related to climate change. The emphasis is on the needs of women in developing countries – many of whom are already dealing […]
Gender mainstreaming in rural electrification programmes
Provision of electricity has considerable potential to improve the lives of women as well as men. While cooking is women’s major energy need, low electricity access is a limiting factor in meeting women’s needs for mechanical energy for food processing and water pumping, lighting for carrying out household tasks, access to communications and information, community […]
Mainstreaming gender in energy projects
This technical brief is based on ‘Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Projects: A Practical Handbook’, which was prepared by ENERGIA, and which provides guidance and practical tools to assist energy projects in undertaking gender mainstreaming systematically. It draws on experiences from energy projects in Asia and Africa to “demystify” gender mainstreaming in the energy sector, both […]
Gender mainstreaming in biogas programmes
This technical brief provides guidance to development practitioners on how to integrate gender concerns within biogas programmes. It highlights opportunities that exist for the inclusion of women in such programmes, given the socio-cultural and economic disadvantages that women in developing countries face. Biogas is a renewable energy technology that has the potential to reduce women’s […]
Institutionalising gender mainstreaming processes in energy organisations
One of critical gaps in the energy sector that hinders progress on gender equality and women’s empowerment is the absence of clear enabling frameworks for consideration of gender issues within implementing organisations. Without this enabling framework, gender mainstreaming activities and the efforts of people serving as gender focal points are unlikely to be fully effective. […]
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