The five-year research programme on gender and energy (2014-2019), coordinated by ENERGIA, was supported by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) as part of its Sustainable Energy, Access and Gender (SEAG) programme. The objective of the programme was to generate and analyse empirical evidence of the links between gender, energy and poverty, and to translate this evidence into recommendations for energy policy and practice.
The research explored gender, energy and poverty linkages in six thematic areas identified through a review of current literature: (a) electrification, (b) productive uses of energy, (c) energy sector reform, (d) the role of the private sector in scaling up energy access, (e) the political economy of energy sector policies, and (f) women’s energy entrepreneurship.
This report presents a prioritised selection of key messages and associated policy implications. Recommendations for policy development and future research are included.

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