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Energia Advocacy website

Developing and disseminating publications

ENERGIA focused on the importance of sharing communications products to raise awareness and contribute to influencing the public and private sector on the linkages between gender and energy access.

ENERGIA and partners gathered and analyzed information from the field, from research projects and from the literature on the benefits of energy services in rural communities and the impacts of gender-sensitive policies. Based on these findings, ENERGIA identified a number of critical areas or actions needed to support gender equality in the energy sector, such as unlocking finance, collaborating with the private sector, and placing clean cooking on the political agenda .

ENERGIA and partners further developed publications, fact sheets, policy briefs, opinion pieces and briefing notes and planned the dissemination of results and lessons learned. This enhanced the attention given to gender in the energy sector and provided global leaders, energy practitioners and stakeholders insights and recommendations to create a more responsive, equal and inclusive energy sector.

ENERGIA also created a section on our website, named “Empowerment Journeys and Impact Stories”, for women entrepreneurs and partner organizations where they could share experiences, stories and in-depth analysis. The objective of the empowerment journeys is to voice the message that micro- and small scale women entrepreneurs encounter a wide range of challenges and need integral support in order to thrive, through storytelling.